Chianti Roads 2025 Regulation
Please do not use the following characters: Şş Ğğ Çç Ññ Õõ Àà Ää Ââ Éé Èè Êê Ëë Óó Òò Ŏŏ Öö Øø Ôô Ùù Üü Ÿÿ Îî Ïï ß Ćć Čč Žž Đđ Image titles must not exceed 35 characters including spaces.
This photographic circuit is open to all; however, a registration may be refused if the sponsoring federations and/or the organizers, at their reasonable discretion, deem that such registration does not comply with the rules of the event and these conditions of participation.
Membership in any photographic organization is not required.
A maximum of 4 works can be submitted for each theme. For a maximum total of 16 Photos.
Photos submitted in one theme cannot be submitted in other themes.
Photos submitted in color cannot be submitted in black and white and vice versa.
Digital images, of all themes, must be in JPG format; the size must be 1920 pixels on the longest side (the shortest side is free), with a resolution of 300 dpi (maximum 4 Mb), in both color or monochrome formats. Files must be saved with the RGB color space.
Images without valid titles will be rejected and participants will be asked to re-submit with valid titles. The organizers will not create titles for participants.
There are no special requirements for file names, the file name should be as you would like it to appear in the catalog, the programming system will arrange the file name as required for the minutes. However, it is mandatory to correctly fill in all the required fields when filling out the form.
For the name, it is possible to use only the alphabet from A to Z (see above the letters not accepted) and the numbers from 0 to 9.
The title of the photos must not exceed 35 characters including spaces.
The images will not be presented to the judges consecutively as numbered by the participants, but will be distributed during the four evaluations in the section in which the author has entered them. The distribution of the images will be in the same order sent by the participant.
The images participating in the event must be sent using the appropriate form on the website
Each author is personally responsible for what is the subject of the image and authorizes its publication. By participating in the Circuit, the author authorizes, without profit, the publication of his/her images (full or partial) in catalogs, projections, websites, magazines and anything else that the organizers and sponsoring bodies deem necessary for the purposes of promoting the Circuit itself.
1) The Photographic Association Photo Contest Club, with the Patronage of FIAF-Italian Federation of Photographic Associations, FIAP-Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique and GPU-Global Photographic Union, organizes the international circuit of photographic competitions, for digital images, “Chianti Roads International Photo Circuit 2025” (, which is a cultural event in the field of artistic photography as it is organized exclusively for the production of artistic works and the awarding of prizes constitutes recognition of the personal merit of the participants.
The Circuit is made up of the following events: Gran Prix Poggi del Chianti, Gran Prix Poggi Fiorentini, Gran Prix Poggi Aretini and Gran Prix Possi Senesi. The circuit is open to all photographers in the world, whether amateurs or professionals, who must own all rights to the images presented. All parts, even minimal, of the image must have been photographed by the author who presents the work.
- Poggi del Chianti Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/040 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M2
- Poggi Fiorentini Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/041 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M3
- Poggi Aretini Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/042 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M4
- Poggi Senesi Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/043 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M5
For digital images:
The Circuit is open to digital works in the following themes:
A) Free Color (Digital Section)
B) Free Monochrome (Digital Section)
C) Landscape Photos (Digital Section Mono/Color)
D) Environment Photos (Digital Section Mono/Color)
- Deadline: February 20, 2025
- Jury Meeting: March 21- April 2, 2025
- Results Submission: March 9, 2025
- Award Ceremony: Saturday, November 29, 2025
- Catalog Submission: December 29, 2025
The registration fee, intended as a partial contribution to the success of the event, must be sent to the Paypal account:
The registration fee is set at:
40.00 Euros (34 Euros for FIAF members) for all sections.
The reduced registration fees for groups are as follows:
- From 10 to 20 Participants: 36.00 Euros (FIAF members 30 Euros)
- From 21 to 40 Participants: 34.00 Euros (FIAF members 28 Euros)
- Over 41 Participants: 30.00 Euros (FIAF members 24 Euros)
The photos of authors who have not paid the required fee will not be admitted to the circuit.
Registrations of participants currently sanctioned with the ban on participating in initiatives sponsored by the Federations sponsoring the circuit will not be accepted.
The acceptance of the works and the awarding of prizes will be at the sole discretion of the jury and will be final.
The jury’s work will be carried out remotely. The judges will use color calibrated monitors (120cd/m2) and the images will not be enlarged or reduced beyond the original resolution. The images will be displayed at 100% of its resolution.
Software Provider: HPCM – Hiho Photo Contest Manager.
The Jury is composed of the following:
- Gran Prix Poggi del Chianti:
Amal Alameer, EFIAP/g, GPU.VIP5, ZEUS (Saudi Arabia)
Helmut Foerstes, EFIAP/b (Germany)
Veniero Rubboli, EFIAP/d3, AFI (Italy) - Gran Prix Poggi Fiorentini:
Leena-Maija Lindqvist, EFIAP/p, GPU.CR3 (Finland)
Stefano Stefanoni, EFIAP/b, EFIAF/b (Italy)
David Woodcock EFIAP/b, GMAPS (Australia) - Gran Prix Poggi Aretini:
Kerry Biytell, EFIAP/d1 (Australia)
Michele Macinai, EFIAP/g, AFIAF/s, AFI (Italy)
Ajar Setiadi, EFIAP/b (Indonesia) - Gran Prix Poggi Senesi:
Simone Boddi, EFIAF/d2, GPU.Cr4-VIP3, AFI (Italy)
Janos Demeter, MPSA (Hungary)
Pertti Ylinen, AFIAP/b (Finland)
- Gran Prix Poggi del Chianti:
Executive Chairman: Silvano Monchi, AFI, EFIAF, EFIAP/p, HonEFIAP, EPSA (Italy)
E-mail: – Phone: +39 3355747028
Photo Contest Club:
The acceptance rate will not exceed 30%. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable.
- Best Overall Author of the Circuit: Chianti Roads Trophy and reimbursement of US$ 400.00 in Amazon Vouchers
- Best Author of the Competition: FIAP BLUE PIN and reimbursement of US$ 200.00 in Amazon Vouchers.
- Best Photo of the Competition: Chianti Roads Trophy and reimbursement of US$ 200.00 in Amazon Vouchers.
- Best photo of the Free Color Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Best Photo of the Free Monochrome Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Best Photo of the Landscape Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Best Photo of the Environment Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Free Theme Color
– Gold Medal GPU
– Silver Medal GPU
– Bronze Medal GPU
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma) - Free Theme Monochrome
– Gold Medal CRPC
– Silver Medal CRPC
– Bronze Medal CRPC
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma) - Landscape Photo Theme
– Gold Medal CRPC
– Silver Medal CRPC
– Bronze Medal CRPC
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma) - Environment Photo Theme
– Gold Medal CRPC
– CRPC Silver Medal
– CRPC Bronze Medal
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma)
For a total of 409 Awards
In compliance with the indications of the FIAF Regulation, the prizes cannot be cumulated on the same Author within the same single competition, except for the prizes that are transversal to the themes or competitions of the Circuit; an exception can be made for the Honorable Mentions and Special Mentions, however they cannot be cumulated in the same theme of the single competition.
The prizes not collected at the awards ceremony will be sent to the addresses provided with the registration form at the organizers’ expense, but will travel with the responsibility of the recipients.
The following photographic circuits are part of the Golden Gran Prix:
– Chianti Roads Circuit 2025, Deadline February 20, 2025
– Jewels Photo Circuit 2025, Deadline May 20, 2025
– Tuscany Photo Award 2025, Deadline July 10, 2025
– Natural World Circuit 2025, Deadline October 15, 2025
The Golden Gran Prix award will be assigned to the author who has achieved the highest number of acceptances in the 4 Circuits; in the event of a tie, the number and quality of the prizes won will make the difference; in the event of a further tie, the total sum of the scores received by the photos of each individual author will be decisive.
The Golden Gran Prix award consists of a Trophy and a $400 Amazon Voucher.
The minutes of the juries and all the winning and admitted works will be inserted on the website and will remain there until the next edition. The results will be sent by email to all participants.
The catalog, printed in pdf, will be downloadable from the competition website ( and the link will be sent to all participants.
The acceptance certificates will be sent in pdf by email for each accepted photo.
FIAP Monochrome Definition
A black and white work ranging from very dark grey (black) to very light grey (white) is a monochrome work with various shades of grey. A black and white work that is entirely shaded in a single colour will remain a monochrome work that can be placed in the black and white category; such a work can be reproduced in black and white in the catalogue of a FIAP Patronage salon. A black and white work modified by partial toning or the addition of a colour becomes a colour work (polychrome) that can be placed in the colour category; such a work requires colour reproduction in the catalogue of a FIAP Patronage salon.
Landscape Photo: This category is generally a photograph that captures the presence of reality and can include sea, oceans and even underwater water. It can have artificial features (e.g. city skylines) or disturbances in the landscape (e.g. pylons) with or without people in the photo. Urban and/or extra-urban landscapes are allowed.
In this section, both color and monochrome images are accepted.
Definition of Environment: Environmental photography refers to all those images taken in any environment in the world, in any situation, with or without the presence of humans. Photos can be taken in both small and large spaces, both in open countryside and in urban centers.
In this section, only color images are accepted.
NOTICE: When participants complete the entry form to submit their entry, they will see the following function to affirm that they have read these Conditions of Entry ‘I confirm that I have read, understood and accept the Conditions of Participation in this circuit.
‘I hereby expressly accept the FIAP document 018/2017 ‘Conditions and regulations for FIAP patronage’ and the FIAP document 033_2021 ‘Penalties for violation of FIAP regulations and red list’. I am particularly aware of Chapter II ‘Rules and Regulations for International Photographic Events under FIAP Patronage’ of FIAP document 018/2017, which deals in Section II.2 and II.3 of the FIAP Rules of Participation, with penalties for violation of FIAP regulations and red list.’
Failure to agree will result in the application not being accepted.
By submitting an image, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own (images may not incorporate elements produced by others, e.g. clip art, images or drawings downloaded from the Internet). Aliases are not permitted. The entrant allows the organisers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in contest-related media. This may also include publication in low resolution on a website.
Note: Participants who indicate that their images cannot be reproduced or used ‘will not be awarded’ or included in the contest audiovisuals ‘and may be subject to disqualification’ by the contest organisers. The organisers accept no responsibility for any misuse of copyright.
Alteration and computer generation.
Subject to restrictions, images may be altered, electronically or otherwise, by the producer. Adjustments are permitted to enhance images or creatively modify images, provided that the underlying photograph is preserved in a way that is obvious to the viewer. Images may not be constructed entirely by computer and must be the exclusive work of the author. All parts of the image must be photographed by the author who holds the copyright to all submitted works.
Images created by artificial intelligence are not permitted in contests run under the auspices of the FIAP.
IMAGES CREATED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CONTEST! Please note that all parts of the image must be photographed by the author who holds the copyright to all submitted works. Violators will be sanctioned for life!
Participation in the contest, by the mere fact of sending photographs to the organisers, constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these regulations, as well as of the FIAF Contest Rules and Regulations, and in particular, but not limited to, full and unconditional acceptance of chapters 4 (Submissions) and 5 (Penalties) with all their paragraphs. It is emphasised to participants that participation in the Nature and/or ‘Traditional’ (TRAD) sections presupposes the availability of the RAW files of the photographs submitted and compliance with the rules governing their possible supply to the Contest Control Commission, in the event that the photographs submitted are subject to verification of compliance with the FIAF Contest Rules. The complete text of the FIAF Contest Rules, which it is the responsibility of the participating author to know, is available on the FIAF website ( and can also be requested by e-mail from FIAF itself at: Participants in the Contest, both FIAF Member and non-FIAF Member, grant FIAF the possibility of managing their participation data and submitted images, both for the purpose of managing FIAF Statistics and for the FIAF Websites dedicated to the collection and dissemination of the results of the Contests sponsored and recommended by FIAF and of the relative prize-winning and admitted images.
In light of the FIAF Contest Rules in force as of 1st January 2025, images that have been admitted in years prior to 2023 may also participate in this initiative. However, please note that any admissions obtained with these images, while not incurring penalties, will not be counted in the FIAF Statistics.
For the sake of completeness, please note that only images that may have had previous admissions in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 will be counted in the FIAF Statistics, as well as, of course, unpublished images.
By entering this circuit, you explicitly consent that the personal data you have provided, including physical addresses, e-mail addresses, are held, processed and used by the circuit organisers for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to this information being sent to organisations that have granted official recognition, sponsorship or accreditation to this circuit. You acknowledge and agree that by accessing this circuit, your participation status including your first and last name, the name of the country used when registering for the circuit, the number of sections entered and the number of photos entered in those sections will be made public in a published status list and that the results of your entry will be made public in the circuit’s gallery, circuit catalogue. You also accept the policies regarding violations of FIAP, GPU and FIAF rules.
We inform you, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27/04/2016, hereinafter referred to as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), that the personal data provided in the context of the Chianti Roads international photography contest will be collected and recorded by the Photo Contest Club Association – on paper, electronic and/or computer and/or telematic media – protected and processed in such a way as to ensure security and confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. We hereby inform you that the data provided will be used solely for purposes strictly connected with and instrumental to the event. To this end, as part of the Initiative, your data may be published online on the contest website ( and/or in the contest catalogue. The provision of data is necessary in order to participate in the contest. We would like to inform you that you may exercise your rights as a data subject pursuant to art. 15 of the GDPR (including, purely by way of example, the rights to obtain confirmation of the existence of data relating to you and its communication in an intelligible form, indication of the processing methods, updating, rectification or integration of the data, cancellation) by means of a request addressed without formalities to the Data Controller. The data controller is the Associazione Culturale Fotografica Dyaphrama, with registered office in Via della Vetreria 73, Figline e Incisa Valdarno through its president, pro tempore, Sabina Broetto.
The organisation, while ensuring the utmost care in the handling of the files received, declines all responsibility for any damage or loss, from whatever cause.
Please do not use the following characters: Şş Ğğ Çç Ññ Õõ Àà Ää Ââ Éé Èè Êê Ëë Óó Òò Ŏŏ Öö Øø Ôô Ùù Üü Ÿÿ Îî Ïï ß Ćć Čč Žž Đđ Image titles must not exceed 35 characters including spaces.
This photographic circuit is open to all; however, a registration may be refused if the sponsoring federations and/or the organizers, at their reasonable discretion, deem that such registration does not comply with the rules of the event and these conditions of participation.
Membership in any photographic organization is not required.
A maximum of 4 works can be submitted for each theme. For a maximum total of 16 Photos.
Photos submitted in one theme cannot be submitted in other themes.
Photos submitted in color cannot be submitted in black and white and vice versa.
Digital images, of all themes, must be in JPG format; the size must be 1920 pixels on the longest side (the shortest side is free), with a resolution of 300 dpi (maximum 4 Mb), in both color or monochrome formats. Files must be saved with the RGB color space.
Images without valid titles will be rejected and participants will be asked to re-submit with valid titles. The organizers will not create titles for participants.
There are no special requirements for file names, the file name should be as you would like it to appear in the catalog, the programming system will arrange the file name as required for the minutes. However, it is mandatory to correctly fill in all the required fields when filling out the form.
For the name, it is possible to use only the alphabet from A to Z (see above the letters not accepted) and the numbers from 0 to 9.
The title of the photos must not exceed 35 characters including spaces.
The images will not be presented to the judges consecutively as numbered by the participants, but will be distributed during the four evaluations in the section in which the author has entered them. The distribution of the images will be in the same order sent by the participant.
The images participating in the event must be sent using the appropriate form on the website
Each author is personally responsible for what is the subject of the image and authorizes its publication. By participating in the Circuit, the author authorizes, without profit, the publication of his/her images (full or partial) in catalogs, projections, websites, magazines and anything else that the organizers and sponsoring bodies deem necessary for the purposes of promoting the Circuit itself.
1) The Photographic Association Photo Contest Club, with the Patronage of FIAF-Italian Federation of Photographic Associations, FIAP-Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique and GPU-Global Photographic Union, organizes the international circuit of photographic competitions, for digital images, “Chianti Roads International Photo Circuit 2025” (, which is a cultural event in the field of artistic photography as it is organized exclusively for the production of artistic works and the awarding of prizes constitutes recognition of the personal merit of the participants.
The Circuit is made up of the following events: Gran Prix Poggi del Chianti, Gran Prix Poggi Fiorentini, Gran Prix Poggi Aretini and Gran Prix Possi Senesi. The circuit is open to all photographers in the world, whether amateurs or professionals, who must own all rights to the images presented. All parts, even minimal, of the image must have been photographed by the author who presents the work.
- Poggi del Chianti Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/040 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M2
- Poggi Fiorentini Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/041 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M3
- Poggi Aretini Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/042 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M4
- Poggi Senesi Grand Prix: FIAP 2025/043 – GPU L250012 – ISF 2025/05 – FIAF 2025M5
For digital images:
The Circuit is open to digital works in the following themes:
A) Free Color (Digital Section)
B) Free Monochrome (Digital Section)
C) Landscape Photos (Digital Section Mono/Color)
D) Environment Photos (Digital Section Mono/Color)
- Deadline: February 20, 2025
- Jury Meeting: March 21- April 2, 2025
- Results Submission: March 9, 2025
- Award Ceremony: Saturday, November 29, 2025
- Catalog Submission: December 29, 2025
The registration fee, intended as a partial contribution to the success of the event, must be sent to the Paypal account:
The registration fee is set at:
40.00 Euros (34 Euros for FIAF members) for all sections.
The reduced registration fees for groups are as follows:
- From 10 to 20 Participants: 36.00 Euros (FIAF members 30 Euros)
- From 21 to 40 Participants: 34.00 Euros (FIAF members 28 Euros)
- Over 41 Participants: 30.00 Euros (FIAF members 24 Euros)
The photos of authors who have not paid the required fee will not be admitted to the circuit.
Registrations of participants currently sanctioned with the ban on participating in initiatives sponsored by the Federations sponsoring the circuit will not be accepted.
The acceptance of the works and the awarding of prizes will be at the sole discretion of the jury and will be final.
The jury’s work will be carried out remotely. The judges will use color calibrated monitors (120cd/m2) and the images will not be enlarged or reduced beyond the original resolution. The images will be displayed at 100% of its resolution.
Software Provider: HPCM – Hiho Photo Contest Manager.
The Jury is composed of the following:
- Gran Prix Poggi del Chianti:
Amal Alameer, EFIAP/g, GPU.VIP5, ZEUS (Saudi Arabia)
Helmut Foerstes, EFIAP/b (Germany)
Veniero Rubboli, EFIAP/d3, AFI (Italy) - Gran Prix Poggi Fiorentini:
Leena-Maija Lindqvist, EFIAP/p, GPU.CR3 (Finland)
Stefano Stefanoni, EFIAP/b, EFIAF/b (Italy)
David Woodcock EFIAP/p, MFIAP (Australia) - Gran Prix Poggi Aretini:
Kerry Biytell, EFIAP/d1 (Australia)
Michele Macinai, EFIAP/g, AFIAF/s, AFI (Italy)
Ajar Setiadi, EFIAP/b (Indonesia) - Gran Prix Poggi Senesi:
Simone Boddi, EFIAF/d2, GPU.Cr4-VIP3, AFI (Italy)
Janos Demeter, MPSA (Hungary)
Pertti Ylinen, AFIAP/b (Finland)
- Gran Prix Poggi del Chianti:
Executive Chairman: Silvano Monchi, AFI, EFIAF, EFIAP/p, HonEFIAP, EPSA (Italy)
E-mail: – Phone: +39 3355747028
Photo Contest Club:
The acceptance rate will not exceed 30%. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable.
- Best Overall Author of the Circuit: Chianti Roads Trophy and reimbursement of US$ 400.00 in Amazon Vouchers
- Best Author of the Competition: FIAP BLUE PIN and reimbursement of US$ 200.00 in Amazon Vouchers.
- Best Photo of the Competition: Chianti Roads Trophy and reimbursement of US$ 200.00 in Amazon Vouchers.
- Best photo of the Free Color Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Best Photo of the Free Monochrome Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Best Photo of the Landscape Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Best Photo of the Environment Theme: FIAP Gold Medal
- Free Theme Color
– Gold Medal GPU
– Silver Medal GPU
– Bronze Medal GPU
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma) - Free Theme Monochrome
– Gold Medal CRPC
– Silver Medal CRPC
– Bronze Medal CRPC
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma) - Landscape Photo Theme
– Gold Medal CRPC
– Silver Medal CRPC
– Bronze Medal CRPC
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma) - Environment Photo Theme
– Gold Medal CRPC
– CRPC Silver Medal
– CRPC Bronze Medal
– 3 Special Jury Awards (FIAF Diploma)
– 12 Honorable Mentions (HM Ribbon)
– 6 Special Mentions (ISF Diploma)
For a total of 409 Awards
In compliance with the indications of the FIAF Regulation, the prizes cannot be cumulated on the same Author within the same single competition, except for the prizes that are transversal to the themes or competitions of the Circuit; an exception can be made for the Honorable Mentions and Special Mentions, however they cannot be cumulated in the same theme of the single competition.
The prizes not collected at the awards ceremony will be sent to the addresses provided with the registration form at the organizers’ expense, but will travel with the responsibility of the recipients.
The following photographic circuits are part of the Golden Gran Prix:
– Chianti Roads Circuit 2025, Deadline February 20, 2025
– Jewels Photo Circuit 2025, Deadline May 20, 2025
– Tuscany Photo Award 2025, Deadline July 10, 2025
– Natural World Circuit 2025, Deadline October 15, 2025
The Golden Gran Prix award will be assigned to the author who has achieved the highest number of acceptances in the 4 Circuits; in the event of a tie, the number and quality of the prizes won will make the difference; in the event of a further tie, the total sum of the scores received by the photos of each individual author will be decisive.
The Golden Gran Prix award consists of a Trophy and a $400 Amazon Voucher.
The minutes of the juries and all the winning and admitted works will be inserted on the website and will remain there until the next edition. The results will be sent by email to all participants.
The catalog, printed in pdf, will be downloadable from the competition website ( and the link will be sent to all participants.
The acceptance certificates will be sent in pdf by email for each accepted photo.
FIAP Monochrome Definition
A black and white work ranging from very dark grey (black) to very light grey (white) is a monochrome work with various shades of grey. A black and white work that is entirely shaded in a single colour will remain a monochrome work that can be placed in the black and white category; such a work can be reproduced in black and white in the catalogue of a FIAP Patronage salon. A black and white work modified by partial toning or the addition of a colour becomes a colour work (polychrome) that can be placed in the colour category; such a work requires colour reproduction in the catalogue of a FIAP Patronage salon.
Landscape Photo: This category is generally a photograph that captures the presence of reality and can include sea, oceans and even underwater water. It can have artificial features (e.g. city skylines) or disturbances in the landscape (e.g. pylons) with or without people in the photo. Urban and/or extra-urban landscapes are allowed.
In this section, both color and monochrome images are accepted.
Definition of Environment: Environmental photography refers to all those images taken in any environment in the world, in any situation, with or without the presence of humans. Photos can be taken in both small and large spaces, both in open countryside and in urban centers.
In this section, both color and monochrome images are accepted.
NOTICE: When participants complete the entry form to submit their entry, they will see the following function to affirm that they have read these Conditions of Entry ‘I confirm that I have read, understood and accept the Conditions of Participation in this circuit.
‘I hereby expressly accept the FIAP document 018/2017 ‘Conditions and regulations for FIAP patronage’ and the FIAP document 033_2021 ‘Penalties for violation of FIAP regulations and red list’. I am particularly aware of Chapter II ‘Rules and Regulations for International Photographic Events under FIAP Patronage’ of FIAP document 018/2017, which deals in Section II.2 and II.3 of the FIAP Rules of Participation, with penalties for violation of FIAP regulations and red list.’
Failure to agree will result in the application not being accepted.
By submitting an image, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own (images may not incorporate elements produced by others, e.g. clip art, images or drawings downloaded from the Internet). Aliases are not permitted. The entrant allows the organisers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in contest-related media. This may also include publication in low resolution on a website.
Note: Participants who indicate that their images cannot be reproduced or used ‘will not be awarded’ or included in the contest audiovisuals ‘and may be subject to disqualification’ by the contest organisers. The organisers accept no responsibility for any misuse of copyright.
Alteration and computer generation.
Subject to restrictions, images may be altered, electronically or otherwise, by the producer. Adjustments are permitted to enhance images or creatively modify images, provided that the underlying photograph is preserved in a way that is obvious to the viewer. Images may not be constructed entirely by computer and must be the exclusive work of the author. All parts of the image must be photographed by the author who holds the copyright to all submitted works.
Images created by artificial intelligence are not permitted in contests run under the auspices of the FIAP.
IMAGES CREATED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CONTEST! Please note that all parts of the image must be photographed by the author who holds the copyright to all submitted works. Violators will be sanctioned for life!
Participation in the contest, by the mere fact of sending photographs to the organisers, constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these regulations, as well as of the FIAF Contest Rules and Regulations, and in particular, but not limited to, full and unconditional acceptance of chapters 4 (Submissions) and 5 (Penalties) with all their paragraphs. It is emphasised to participants that participation in the Nature and/or ‘Traditional’ (TRAD) sections presupposes the availability of the RAW files of the photographs submitted and compliance with the rules governing their possible supply to the Contest Control Commission, in the event that the photographs submitted are subject to verification of compliance with the FIAF Contest Rules. The complete text of the FIAF Contest Rules, which it is the responsibility of the participating author to know, is available on the FIAF website ( and can also be requested by e-mail from FIAF itself at: Participants in the Contest, both FIAF Member and non-FIAF Member, grant FIAF the possibility of managing their participation data and submitted images, both for the purpose of managing FIAF Statistics and for the FIAF Websites dedicated to the collection and dissemination of the results of the Contests sponsored and recommended by FIAF and of the relative prize-winning and admitted images.
In light of the FIAF Contest Rules in force as of 1st January 2025, images that have been admitted in years prior to 2023 may also participate in this initiative. However, please note that any admissions obtained with these images, while not incurring penalties, will not be counted in the FIAF Statistics.
For the sake of completeness, please note that only images that may have had previous admissions in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 will be counted in the FIAF Statistics, as well as, of course, unpublished images.
By entering this circuit, you explicitly consent that the personal data you have provided, including physical addresses, e-mail addresses, are held, processed and used by the circuit organisers for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to this information being sent to organisations that have granted official recognition, sponsorship or accreditation to this circuit. You acknowledge and agree that by accessing this circuit, your participation status including your first and last name, the name of the country used when registering for the circuit, the number of sections entered and the number of photos entered in those sections will be made public in a published status list and that the results of your entry will be made public in the circuit’s gallery, circuit catalogue. You also accept the policies regarding violations of FIAP, GPU and FIAF rules.
We inform you, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27/04/2016, hereinafter referred to as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), that the personal data provided in the context of the Chianti Roads international photography contest will be collected and recorded by the Photo Contest Club Association – on paper, electronic and/or computer and/or telematic media – protected and processed in such a way as to ensure security and confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. We hereby inform you that the data provided will be used solely for purposes strictly connected with and instrumental to the event. To this end, as part of the Initiative, your data may be published online on the contest website ( and/or in the contest catalogue. The provision of data is necessary in order to participate in the contest. We would like to inform you that you may exercise your rights as a data subject pursuant to art. 15 of the GDPR (including, purely by way of example, the rights to obtain confirmation of the existence of data relating to you and its communication in an intelligible form, indication of the processing methods, updating, rectification or integration of the data, cancellation) by means of a request addressed without formalities to the Data Controller. The data controller is the Associazione Culturale Fotografica Dyaphrama, with registered office in Via della Vetreria 73, Figline e Incisa Valdarno through its president, pro tempore, Sabina Broetto.
The organisation, while ensuring the utmost care in the handling of the files received, declines all responsibility for any damage or loss, from whatever cause.