Tuscany Photo Awards

A total of

409 Awards and 2000,00 $ Amazon Vouchers

The prizes cannot be combined in the same theme but can be in different themes. All Best Author awards can be combined with any other award. The best author is the author who obtained the highest number of admitted photos; in case of parity of admitted photos, the score obtained from these photos will be calculated; in the event of a further tie, the highest number of prizes won and the type of prizes will be valid.
A total of

4099 Awads e 2000,00 $ in Amazon Vouchers

The prizes cannot be combined in the same theme but can be in different themes. All Best Author awards can be combined with any other award. The best author is the author who obtained the highest number of admitted photos; in case of parity of admitted photos, the score obtained from these photos will be calculated; in the event of a further tie, the highest number of prizes won and the type of prizes will be valid.
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